Ballast Water Treatment

Provide a professional and trusted service with years of experience in the industry


Ballast Water Treatment

Incorporates the most reliable and efficient filtration followed by a state-of-the-art disinfection stage. Filtration takes place in  40 microns automatic backwashing filters. The disinfection stage takes place in our own-design, highly customised electrodes, providing the appropriate amount of disinfectant agent by using minimum power and ensuring compliance.  

Ballasting (Full flow electrolysis):

During ballasting, the water goes through the filter, where organisms and sediment (with a diameter larger than 40 microns) are separated and further discharged overboard. The filtered water enters the Electrolytic Cell. From the chlorides of the water, free chlorine is produced through the electrolysis process at a very low concentration (around 4-6 mg/L). The treated water then, enters the ballast tanks.

De Ballasting:

During de-ballasting, the system will only monitor the residual oxidants and will further intervene if necessary. The main stages of the system (filtration and disinfection) are bypassed. A Total Residual Oxidants (TRO) sensor samples the residual chlorine at the discharge line. If it is greater than 0.1 mg/L, a dosing pump is operated for the dosage of neutralizing agent (Sodium Bisulfite). Successful neutralization of free chlorine is confirmed by a second TRO sensor, installed at the far end point of the ballast discharge line.