About us

Water is scarce on Land. Hence, Vacman has plans to use the water saving technology of Vacuum Toilets for land based applications. Pilot projects for using Vacuum Toilet Technology on land based application in Hospital Laboratory, Office Building and Mobile platform have been successfully implemented and operating for the last 3 years.

We Offer A Wide Range Of Environmental Solutions

Vacman has carried out several turnkey projects in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Turnkey projects have been executed for DCI, SCI and other shipping companies. We also have a strong presence on more than 150 ships of the Indian Navy, the Indian Coast Guard and the Sri Lanka Navy. We are proud that the 1st Indigenous Aircraft Carrier being built by the Indian Navy would have a products from Vacman portfolio.

VACman is capable of delivering a Unique Concept of TOTAL PACKAGE PROVIDER for the MARPOL Compliance needs of a ship. Under this concept, VACman conducts initial onboard survey, prepare Technical Feasibility Report, provide Techno-commercial tailor-made Proposal, prepare Schematics and other drawings and obtain CLASS Plan Approvals, undertake onboard installation, perform Start-up/ Commissioning and finally obtain CLASS Certificate for MARPOL compliance of the ship.

Safety and reliability
On time delivery service
Turnkey solutions
MARPOL compliance

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